Excavation can be such fun, yet difficult work. I have been engaged in the excavation of my true self for a while now. It has been a process; sometimes very rewarding, other times a huge challenge. What exactly to I want to be/do when I grow up? What are my values, my core values, those that are really and truly mine, not imposed on me from someone or something outside of myself? That was a difficult dig! What is my Heart's Desire? Now that I found the core and try to live from there, Heart's Desire is really not all that difficult!
As I learn to listen to my heart I am learning that it is really ok to pay attention to my passions, to the things that fill me, excite me; to let my heart tell me where I fit and how to be there.
I have spent much of my life, both as an adult and as a child, believing that passion is something to be hidden, quietly and completely controlled, eliminated if possible. Rubbish! What absolute rubbish. These messaged were imparted to be by broken individuals; they were greatly troubled, unhealthy and in turn, taught to ignore their passions. Maybe it is my Irish Catholic upbringing or all the time spent with nuns, but I bought it for a long time, and tried to ignore my passions. It does not work! I am finally, fully and completely trashing this idea for what it is, rubbish.
I listened to Dr. Ernesto Siroli speak on passion and entrepreneurship for over an hour last evening. WOW! He is brilliant, witty, energetic and passionate! It was yet another reinforcement for me that I am traveling on the right path as I seek to create my life - living my Heart's Desire and doing it with verve and passion.
I heartily recommend visiting UTube and spending that hour with him. I don't think you will regret it.