Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

It is Christmas Eve.  Solstice was just last Sunday.  The days grow longer and we shed what we no longer need and allow a rebirth.  Beauty abounds.  The world is full of chaos and anger...I know this.  All I have to do is read headlines.  Yet, gratefully my world is filled with love, joy, peace, harmony and once again a little magic.  I have so much to be grateful for!  My health, my beloved children, my beautiful snug home, the mountains that hold me, the wonder of snow sparkling in the yard...a field of diamonds, the birds feeding at the feeders and singing, the dancing fire at night, the critters in the barnyard, my job and sweet very much to be grateful for...and I am.
The myth and lore of the season enrich me.  I feel grounded and joy filled.  The packages are mailed off in plenty of time and have arrived safely. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.  Each card I sent had a special message and a message of peace. I completed the Twelve Nights of Solstice meditations and accompanying art or writing with Cat Caracelo.  It was grounding, sweet, and a delight.  I have enjoyed the preparation for this season with so much energy and love this year.  Why?  The world seems to be falling apart around me.  I really don't know but I am tremendously grateful.
I miss my children with an unimaginable ache in my heart... but we are in touch, we have a genuine connection and share a very deep love.  This consoles but the ache jumps out often.  I send them hugs and much love on the phone, by text and e mail, and energetically.  We have a special something...and I miss their presence.  I love them beyond the stars and back again.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a very good night.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome September

It is the half lit waxing moon...according to Fiona a time that follows the dark of the moon where she sat in that dark and surrendered to the void.  Releasing, resting in the deep wisdom that she opened to receive.  As the first silver of moonlight appeared she gathered and prepared for regeneration and re-emergence.

Now under the half lit moon she empowers her plans and anchors her commitment as the moon waxes she will further hone and align the path she has chosen this cycle.

The half lit Moon calls our attention once again to balance.  It is a time to pause and reflect on where we are in this moment of the cycle.  This is a time for new ideas and inspiration and we are reminded of the deep caring we need and deserve, and of the eternal, limitless love and wisdom to be manifest.
I am thinking of this tonight as I sit, peacefully under that half lit moon.  I see it between the branches of the pinon.  Birds in flight heading for sleep.  Bats begin their swooping.  The light changes oh so suggestively and subtly growing dimmer, through hues of gold, silver, violet and then disappears.  Magic.  I am reading Wild and tonight am feeling very melancholy.  A state I rarely find myself in these days.  I am remembering the three or four months that I was wild and free, a gypsy, exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shenandoah Valley, parts of the Trail of Tears in Tennessee, savoring old barns in Kentucky, North Western Mountains of CO, Sedona, Walnut Creek, and so much more.  I was untethered, unencumbered and free.  I am not sure if it is sitting outside celebrating the end of day and welcoming the night, or the book that has me longing.  Longing for what?  Freedom under that half lit moon, an opportunity to be untethered again, to roam and explore to savor life without fear, worry, doubt or constricts?  Perhaps all of these things.  
I also remember in my first month sitting way down canyon watching fireflies.  I was told they were not here in this part of the country…but I know differently.  I saw them that year and have not seen them again since…but I have that sweet memory with so many more of being free. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Coloring Outside the Lines

This never arrived as published.  Written back in spring sometime.   Coloring outside the lines!

Trying to find ways to color outside the lines.  It is ending up more difficult than I thought it would be.  The idea has always appealed to me and to some degree I have experimented but never for long enough.  Yet it seems that now in my older age those tendencies have been pretty much expunged or at least forgotten.  Working on being more open, more flexible, more radical...more creative...more me.  That me has been lost for a very long time but I know she is there.  She surfaces at odd times and sticks around sometimes...yet she is elusive.  Funny as I write this I remember literally hating coloring books.  I could and often did color inside the lines...but it always bothered me and I felt so restricted.  I lived much of my life inside the lines...really time to let the wild woman, the muse, and ME set out on a journey that does not involve any lines or restrictions!  Exciting journey ahead. 
No seat belts required.  This would be a very good time for my gypsy wagon and trusty steed to appear!!

Love, Magic and Miracles

It has been a while since I have posted here.  I was a bit surprised.  I guess when the love, magic and miracles begin to happen in the yard, I am not near the computer.

Despite my late start, the cactus garden blossomed beautifully!  Every year without fail I get magic from this little spot.  The blossoms only last a day but they are gorgeous!

It seems like it has been a very short season.   I planted later because of strange weather and now I swear I can feel fall creeping around.
But, it has been a magical summer and no, I am not relinquishing it quite yet.  Tomatoes are red, chard and kale are fantastic.  Beans a beautiful and herbs are abundant.  Flowers delight all my senses...yes, they talk.

We recently had quite a bit of rainfall and the sunflowers had a growth spurt with several now over six feet.  I used the fence as a measure!  They are elegant and I can't wait until they flower so the little birds can enjoy.  They often look like an amusement park ride as the wind blows and the birds hang on and feed.

The Morning Glories always make me smile.  They are just such happy and beautiful flowers ever climbing toward the sky and they have heart shaped leaves.  Glorious!!

I am feeling overjoyed, full, grateful and very contented today as I pull weeds almost as big as the sunflowers after the rain!  Life is good and truly filled with love, magic and miracles.  I only have to go out into my back yard to realize this- if I ever forget. 

The dogs supply such unconditional love and laughter.  They are clowns and faithful.  They greet me each time I return home.  They don't care if my hair is a mess, my clothes old and dirty from the yard...but they would prefer that dinner be on time!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gypsy Spirit

This is so true and I am really feeling it these days...the need to let that spirit out and go exploring!
Where is my horse?  Where is my wagon?  Where are the highways and bi-ways that I need to explore? 
Been interesting times of late.  Feeling very restless and very tired of being responsible and good.  Let's get rid of that?!  I want to be bad.  I want to let my little gypsy out to run rampant!  I want to travel, savor, feel the sun and wind, the campfire, smell the horse and feel my spirit soaring.  Need to be reckless for a while and maybe even irresponsible!  Oh, gosh.  Not that.  Oh, yes that!
I don't know maybe it is just the full moon or spring fever...but I really doubt it.  This has been brewing for sometime.  Feel the call to hit the road, move, and just be bad!! 
The Camino in Spain?  A nice long walk?  Maybe. A trip to Iceland?  Difficult with my gypsy wagon and horse.   Or, just a stroll and stay in the desert.  Should I move to Hawaii, New Mexico or Jamestown New York?  Cumberland Maryland is nice...but so is Mancos Co!
What is a girl who wants to be bad and let lose to do? 
I am pondering that and will try some discovery around that question.  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Returning Home to my Heart

Valentine's Day.  Wishes and love messages have arrived from near and far.  Such a sweet day.  Not buying into the commercialism of roses, candy, etc...but in essence.  The reaching into your (my) own heart and celebrating who I am...showering myself with love today; being open and grateful to receive the love of others and reaching out to share my heart with others whether they are long time loves or the person at the check out counter or the bank drive through!  Loving myself and allowing all that juicy and beautiful love to flow!! Happy Heart Day to me and the we all return home to our hearts.  What a gorgeous world this makes. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

2014 the Year of the Horse, Trust and Allowing

It is the year of the Horse!  Horses are so dear to my heart and so is the freedom this hear heralds. Reading Lena Stevens words this morning from the Power Path...February is about Release. I am feeling so excited and grounded as we embark on this new year.  I have set my intentions, organized myself (as much as I ever can!) and am ready for that gate to open in order to move forward with ease and grace. Yes, I am a bit impatient but feeling so balanced and centered - at least this morning.
I am filled with anticipation; of letting go of baggage and patterns that no longer serve me, of giving space in my life for the new and the ability to have what I want.  Visualizing, meditating, striving and praying to that end.  Feeling very hopeful and trusting that the Universe will guide me.
Received a call this morning from the local historical society asking me to portray Fern Ellis, our revered and renowned historian.  Fern is no longer with us but her work lives on.  I am so honored to be asked to develop her character.  I ask her spirit to guide me along as I develop her character.
Three of my pieces of art work are also on display at the Mancos Valley Arts Council.
I am feeling my way along listening to priorities of my heart and not listening so much to my head where the chatter and ill advise often comes from
We are not accustomed to listening so much to our hearts but rather grant our minds priority.  One of my allowings for this heart. I have identified what I want; a creative life filled with nature, satisfying work and tons of creating - writing, painting, crafting, sculpting, weaving.   I am asking spirit again, to grant me the guidance and perseverance and TRUST to follow this path.
I know this will be a breakthrough year for me and I must say, it is about time!  I am deeply grateful.
This will be my year of divine guidance and allowing.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The New Year

I don't make resolutions.  Quit that many years ago.  I do take stock however, in the past year, where I am currently, what growth has occurred, what challenges, what I want to let go of and what I want to invite. I was going to write a volume here about all of that, but I received an e mail this morning...and I am going to post it remind me, to give me great joy and encouragement during 2014.

By Karen Abler Carrasco, WSFS Consultant, Mentor and Teacher
There might not be a bigger shift of energies in the entire 60 year wheel of Chinese astrology than this one coming up–the shift from two Water years of deep introspection to the fast-paced spurt of extroverted forward propulsion that the Wood Horse brings.  Hold on to your hats, folks, and realize that you won’t be able to, nor will you want to, slow your horses in the New Year ahead! This will be a promethean year, the Beginning of all beginnings, arriving around January 31st to February 4th, 2014.  Full of uplift, optimism and compelling inspiration, we will be guided into purposeful action of the most elegantly simple and powerfully fruitful kind.  After two years of feeling every revelation of corruption in the dark as if it was scouring our subconscious insides and wringing us dry of watery emotion, we are READY for this change!  Light, hope and clarity of vision gallop in. Emerge from your cocoons, everybody, here we goooooo!  
Because this will be such a big change of energetic experience for us, it will help to review here how the cycle of the sacred Five Elements, or Phases, have set us up for this shift.  In that cycle, Wood feeds Fire, Fire’s ash creates Earth, Earth’s compression reveals gems of Metal, and Metal collects and holds Water, which nourishes the Wood to start the cycle all over again. The natural laws of these five elements are actually working in multiple ways throughout Nature, our bodies, our psychologies and the energetic movements of all things here on this planet.  In these movements, there are cycles within cycles, one of which is the cycle of birth, growth, disintegration and death, or the void that comes after old life and before new life.  
We have just been traveling through that void, in two Water years, which immersed us in a descending place of degeneration, dissolution and chaos, a time when our internal world of formless spirit and emotions held total sway over every attempt at external control or order.  For most of us, it was an unsettling time of letting go of many things, either voluntarily or forcefully, a time of deep soul searching, with gradual or sudden destabilization in many areas of family and livelihood.  There was a profound search for a return to a spiritual basis for daily living.  This all had the effect of highlighting an individual’s isolation and powerlessness within a seemingly random and careless society.  Not that outright rebellion and outcry didn’t happen, globally as well as internally.  The 2012 Yang Water Dragon year saw to that, with its critical promptings of social responsibility and heroism, and this Yin Water Snake year that followed delved even deeper into the most hidden caves of stagnant dysfunctionality and corruption on all levels.
The good and great news is that we have completed 5 years of the degenerative part of the cycles–that of the harvested, decomposing Earth, compressing and eliminative Metal, and dissolving, settling out, cleansing Water.  We now emerge into the generative cycles–powerful, bursting buds of Wood’s new growth fueling the joyful outreach and passions of Fire and the beginnings of Earth’s fruitful harvests.
So, that’s the Wood part of what’s coming.  Now to turn our gaze to the animal symbol of Horse. This sprouting upward rush of Wood energy will find its perfect release into the impulsive and passionate nature of the Yang Horse, whose native element is Fire.  The Horse energy inspires powerful INTUITION and an indomitable surge towards freedom in every aspect of life. This is a year to follow your inner voice like never before, for it will have a universal cosmic ch’i within it.  Higher guidance is with us every step of the way.  Reach for the sky, call up your vision, fuel your plans with vision boards and creativity, find a fresh path and pace yourself well.  This yang Horse year has the potential to channel the powerful new upthrust of Wood’s Ch’i through the Horse’s Heart energy of Fire and into every project we start, every desire we reach for.  It will keep our eager plans from being dominated by too much “head” and not enough “heart.”  
It may be quite challenging to trust that we have this absolutely new, purified and hopeful energy to build on now.  Our hearts have had to endure a gauntlet of deconstruction through two Metal and two Water years, but the fiery Horse is about to change all of that.  Within the extroverted “Green Horse” year, we will not only branch out with new growth, but we will be able to stoke the Fire element of love in every area of life.  Follow your intuition fearlessly, as it is both the horse’s main attribute which preserves its freedom and powerful health and it is Wood’s primary talent for stretching into the unknown future.  Reach out with irrepressible faith to a new level of social communion and mutual support.  Trust every impulse to embrace a revitalized and renewed sensitivity for the pleasures this earthly dimension has to offer.
Step up and out of any old clutter, stored memories, should-have-dones or regrets.  The time to deal with that is over for now.  Untangle your thoughts quickly and get clear on what it is that you truly desire in this lifetime.  Your trusty steed is here, full of vibrant health and tremendous stamina.  It should be quite a fast ride, so grab a fistful of mane, hang on to the reins, cast your old cares to the wind and let out a whoop of delight–Yeeehaaw! Upward and onward we thrive!  May we all be blest abundantly as we hold each other closer in the circle of health and new life the Wood Horse year brings.