This never arrived as published. Written back in spring sometime. Coloring outside the lines!
Trying to find ways to color outside the lines. It is ending up more difficult than I thought it would be. The idea has always appealed to me and to some degree I have experimented but never for long enough. Yet it seems that now in my older age those tendencies have been pretty much expunged or at least forgotten. Working on being more open, more flexible, more radical...more creative...more me. That me has been lost for a very long time but I know she is there. She surfaces at odd times and sticks around sometimes...yet she is elusive. Funny as I write this I remember literally hating coloring books. I could and often did color inside the lines...but it always bothered me and I felt so restricted. I lived much of my life inside the lines...really time to let the wild woman, the muse, and ME set out on a journey that does not involve any lines or restrictions! Exciting journey ahead.
No seat belts required. This would be a very good time for my gypsy wagon and trusty steed to appear!!