This is one of my very favorite images. It is a notecard reprinted by ALA and the artist is David Small
from a children's book by Sarah Stewart...

an affectionate portrait of a woman, Elizabeth Brown, whose life centers on reading, an obsession beginning in childhood. "She didn't like to play with dolls, / She didn't like to skate./ She learned to read quite early,/ and at an incredible rate."
This book always makes me smile. Sometimes I feel like Elizabeth!
Today begins a sunny and beautiful one, but still cold. The sheep are luxuriating in the sun. They seem glad that it has finally come out.
I am in the third mothn of a ten month course, Awakening Joy. It has been very interesting so far. The focus this month is gratitude. I realize as I write this how very much I have to be grateful for. Sometimes it is just important to have a reminder!
Reading Don Miguel Ruiz book The Fifth Agreement. He talks about story...and the idea that our mind is always dreaming, awake or asleep. "Who is dreaming the story of your life? You are. If you do't like your life, if you don't like what you believe about yourself, you are the only one who can change it. It's your world; it's your dream. If you're enjoying your dream, that's wonderful; then continue to enjoy each and every moment. If your dream is a nightmare, if there's drama and suffering and you're not enjoying your creating, then you can change it."
Food for thought. Basically it boils down to what you believe you are. Not matter how you look at it, no matter who I may be reading, that is the message. Why is it so difficult for humans (me!) to get that sometimes!
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