In a rather introspective mood this morning. Fall is approaching, slowly, quietly as if on gossamer wings. How do I know she is here? I can feel her in the crisp morning air. Apples hang voluptuous, heavy and I am sure sweet, on trees. There are more frequent whispers of wood smoke on the air. Gentle breezes still caress me with warmth and the sun is strong. Bees buzz busily but even they are getting ready for winter.
While I often feel that fall is my favorite season I do love and enjoy them all. It feels as if she is coming soon this year, yet by the calendar I know this is not true.
I feel a little tug of lonliness as she enters. How lovely it would be to share her wonder with someone. Then I remember past autumunal glory...and realize that this year I am much more peaceful and joyful. Still, there is a tiny little prickle of wishing, of wanting...then I come back to the now and feel satiated. My world is full and beautiful...I am deeply grateful.