Summer came and went? It is hovering at 40 this morning, leaves are turning yellow, my nose is cold. I know I was anticipating summer, was really hot a few days...some things grew in my garden and it is now gone? Time seems to be moving at lightning speed. Sometimes I feel as if I am caught in a strange time warp. The weather was different this summer too. Much more humidity and rain. I know the weeds loved it! Now, fall garden things need doing. Trimming, clipping, weeding (always weeding) composting and getting ready for winter. It seems like just last week it was snowing. Several times already the mountain tops have been dusted with the white stuff.
I did enjoy the hot spell in June with my new outdoor bathing spot and grand bursts of insane colored flowers
. So, I guess summer did happen...yet...I find I still long for some heat, some baking hot, dry sunny days. Perhaps next year. Now, I begin to think fall thoughts. Some years I am ready to make that shift and let go of summer, not this year. I find I still cling wistfully to that season. Still, I can always welcome fall. It is afterall, my favorite season.

So I am off to do barn chores this morning with my favorite, old and ratty black sweater! Fall is in the air.
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