That I matter. One of the wonderful women in Artella posted Eric Maisel's 9 Steps to Fulfillment. It is really great grist for the mill as I put together a life porpose statement to guide me for the next steps in my creative life path and fulfillment. Today, I focus on #1, I matter. One can only truly matter when she believes it. Today, I will make myself proud! I MATTER!! My life of creative meaning and joy is unfolding.
From my regular daily companion, Sara BanBreathnatch, today's Simple Abundance reading includes a quote from Rainer Maria Rilke:
"If your everyday life seems poor, don't
blame it; blame yourself; admit to
yourself that you are not enought of a poet
to call forth its riches; becaues for the
creator there is no poverty and no poort
indifferent place."
Today, I know I matter; I am the creator of my own destiny and it can be as rich and joyful as I want to make it. I no longer need wait; today I believe. Today I create my life purpose statement which is my inner template by which I will measure life!
Grateful for so many rich opportunites and people to support me!
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