I remember my first experience with computers about fifteen years ago. I had a Garfield cartoon taped to that computer. This is exactly how I felt today working with the beastie. I will admit that my attitude is a bit hostile, but I think it is that way for some very good reasons!
I feel as if Spock has beamed me up to another planet. Really! I mean the language of these beasts is not my mother tongue. The letters are formed the same way but they make no sense to me at all. Compute that!!
I am the alien on this planet of computers and strange language and applications.

I have been wresting with getting a web site up now for a few weeks. Ok, so I know know what "GoDaddy" is - I actually secured a domain name through them. What to do with it is still a complete mystery. Today I got very brave downloaded (as opposed to uploaded) WordPress. It was supposed to be a quick, no fuss, no mess thingy. I was exposed to words like binary(I always associated this with making books?) atoms (?), PHP's and script mail. Does anyone really understand this stuff? More interesting language and applications free file openers - are they like a free lunch, there is really no such thing? The there was Akismet (sounds like some little place from a musical to me), Cannonicals (something left over from the Catholic Church?), Admin Ajax (something like Mr. Clean, you open the top and a genie comes out to help?), Plug in's and widgets...all can be used with ease! Right.
I feel alienated, lost and very, very confused. I am downloading yet another free and "easy" file opener in order to read the gobledygook that is attached to my free and easy WordPress web builder. This is clearly in a foreign language and I don't speak it. A message just popped up that while I am downloading this free and easy file opener I am free to continue my work. Now, another message flashes across the screen, download can not complete because of (very long number here with a few letters) error has occurred and I should contact the system administrator. Like I would know who that was or where to find them? Ya, right.
Now I just noticed that a free dolphin screen saver has mysteriously appeared on my computer.
I am going to feed the chickens and sheep, that makes sense!
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