Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Heart Gifts

At this time of year the world seems to think we need gifts.  Well, for me, usually they are from the heart and not because a big chain store, an information specialist, or other outside source tells me I either need to give or get them.  Today however, during meditation, I realized that my heart is already full to capacity and I feel no "need".  I am so grateful for my beautiful home, my critters, the warmth of my hearth, the food in the cupboard, my health and the ability to go out and walk and revel in nature.  I am grateful to the dear friends that have found their way into my life.  There are two new ones this year and they are such a sweet delight in my life.  There are several who have been in my heart for most of life.  Rich, loving, caring and so appreciated.
In meditation this morning David talked about the four things that are necessary for our heart; attention, affection, appreciation and acceptance.  My dearest friends give me all of that and more and I so hope I return the gift. Feeling very joyful and grateful this morning!

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