Friday, September 27, 2013


The garden in my sanctuary, the church of my back yard.  I have always known that.  I have harvested, as needed during the season, great herbs, veggies and flowers with absolute delight!  Last night, knowing that there will be a killing frost tonight, I harvested buckets of basil, chard, lovage, squash, tomatoes and some flowers.  The gourds will remain for a few weeks and they I will be able to find all of them! My hands were stained brownish green and smelled so good I never wanted to wash them!
This morning I finished the harvest with deep gratitude as I harvested potatoes.  I was gifted with many pounds of those little red beauties.  As I rummaged around in the small patch I could not help but think how blessed I am and what deep gratitude I felt!
Lastly, and with more words of thanks, I cut the remaining vibrant flowers that have provided a riot of color
all during the season.  Cosmos, corn flowers, poppies, and some greens.  They now sit all through my home, reminding me of beauty, grace, gifts, magic, the seasons and cycles of life.  I contemplate in great joy and gratitude.

Friday, September 6, 2013

My Muse has a question...

So, this morning my Muse asked me:  "Do you think that after all these years of living a life someone else prescribed for you that you might be ready to live your "own" life?"  That gave me pause.  She continued: "After all the drama, the heartache, the joy and the magic...but rarely authenticity, do you think you may be ready?"  I told her I would think about it.  You should have seen the look she gave me!
Yes, I tell myself, I may be ready to live my own, authentic, creative life filled with ease, love and joy.  There sure has been heartache, sadness, and wrong choices, but there have also been moments filled with pure joy and true magic.  I spent some time out in the garden this morning after my discussion with my Muse.
After that delicious interlude, I decided to see what the Tarot cards had to say as my Muse's words were still echoing in my head!  I pulled three cards, past, present and future.  The first, (past) is the Lake representing stillness.  It talks about the tempo of life speeding up (man, do I know that and have been trying to release speed) and seeming to be no escape (no kidding!).  It goes on to say that there is no need to be held a prisoner by this "hurry up" syndrome nor is there need to feel trapped by the awareness of our collective intensities.  Seek stillness.  Ok, good thoughts.  
The second card (present)  is Full Moon, signifying completion.  I think I like where this is going and more importantly my instincts, my intuition, my "gut" already knew.  I smile to myself. Completion talks about receiving as sacred and being as holy as giving.  Letting go of old conditioning and healing wounds.  "Set aside ritualized habits and beliefs that restrict the pure act of allowing your body, heart and soul to be nurtured. Lie on the Earth and ask Gaia to rock you in her bosom as you breathe with her and relax into her loving care."  Yes!  Just what I have been needing is a little real loving care. 
The third card represents the future and is Fire, signifying passion.  I really like where this is going!
It asks, "What are your passions?  What ignites that inner flame, that creative spark? ... consider what is missing in your life...Passion is not something that comes from outside of is an intensity of feeling, whether quietly experienced or enthusiastically expressed.  
Passion can simply be a strong feeling or the sensation itself can be so powerful that it motivates you to act...Open yourself to the truth of what you are passionate about and find a mans to express it." 
I really liked that!!  So, with a little stillness, a lot of listening, and some action maybe, I am beginning to life my authentic life after all these years.  So grateful!  Blessed Be and so it will be.  
My Muse will be happy. 

Last, lazy days of summer

This morning was just about the most perfect I could imagine.  The sun, clear blue sky, peaceful and quiet.  That quiet occasionally interrupted by the song of a bird, flutter of hummer seeking sweet source, and Raven chatter.  Cattle are gently calling in a distant pasture down the hill.  The colors are so beautiful!  Tall sunflowers glowing gold tower over vibrant pink and white cosmos and roses still bloom crimson.  Morning glories are everywhere stretching to the sky!  They are abundant and even on the barren, shale soil they manage to grow like grass and still bloom.  The red and pink poppies delight me.  I have tried for years to grow them and this year they finally arrived, little but so lovely.  The tomatoes are all turning red, the basil threatening to bloom along with the cilantro; lettuce just about done while dill and beans dance in the gentle breeze.  Squash, well I really don't want to talk about it.  Next year I will show some restraint and not plant a half dozen plants!  Half an hour of gentle meditation in the warm sun and the rest of my day to myself! 
Doesn't really get much better.  So grateful and feeling bliss.