Friday, September 6, 2013

Last, lazy days of summer

This morning was just about the most perfect I could imagine.  The sun, clear blue sky, peaceful and quiet.  That quiet occasionally interrupted by the song of a bird, flutter of hummer seeking sweet source, and Raven chatter.  Cattle are gently calling in a distant pasture down the hill.  The colors are so beautiful!  Tall sunflowers glowing gold tower over vibrant pink and white cosmos and roses still bloom crimson.  Morning glories are everywhere stretching to the sky!  They are abundant and even on the barren, shale soil they manage to grow like grass and still bloom.  The red and pink poppies delight me.  I have tried for years to grow them and this year they finally arrived, little but so lovely.  The tomatoes are all turning red, the basil threatening to bloom along with the cilantro; lettuce just about done while dill and beans dance in the gentle breeze.  Squash, well I really don't want to talk about it.  Next year I will show some restraint and not plant a half dozen plants!  Half an hour of gentle meditation in the warm sun and the rest of my day to myself! 
Doesn't really get much better.  So grateful and feeling bliss. 

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