Thermometer reading in the teens this morning and about an inch of snow on the ground and ice on the roads making travel early a little challenging. While I prefer more moderate weather, I am reveling in the beauty of the snow.
Last weekend in town, there was a Living Tarot evening. It was really great fun the the card I picked was STRENGTH. Thinking about that a bit and find it encouraging.
STRENGTH VIII: (The Major Arcana) Radiance. True strength comes through gentleness and an understanding of the nature of things. Courage and wisdom presents itself. Strength, courage, conviction, energy, determination, action, heroism, virility.
Last evening I attended a talk by Christina Neilson about sacred space. It was rather thought provoking and in discussion she mentioned that smiling actually has a physiological effect on the body. I found that quite interesting and did some reading about a French doctor(Duchene), over a hundred years ago, who wrote about the physical benefits of smiling. Recent studies have snown that smiling does have a measurable influence on emotion as endorphins are released. According to one source I read (Dr.Mark Stibich) smiling stimulates the immune system, increases positive affect, lowers stress and blood pressure. Artlicle are plentiful both arguing for smiles and refuting those claims...yet, it seems to me I sure feel better when I smile! They say it also makes you look younger and makes us more attractive.
Here's looking at you kid!
Now back to the sacred space idea. Mine is my home, my yard and being with my critters.
No where is as sacred to me as the barnyard...but then I feel the sacred wherever I am in Nature.
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