These past few days have been filled with joy and wonder. I feel a deep gratitude and delight at being alive! Driving home from one of my places of employment last evening, later than usual, after a demanding (but wonderful!) day, I found myself smiling. I felt very tired, but extremely joyful. I asked myself why as I drove the thirty miles home. Conclusion reached was that my heart and soul were happy. My work at this particular chiropractic clinic (deemed "sacred space" by many) is rich, rewarding and satisfying. It is an atmosphere of joy, love and healing. People, dogs, cats and horses are adjusted by two beautiful (sometimes three) souls who truly are healers but humble, caring and tireless. These individuals walk their talk. So seldom in my life have I found a situation like this one.
The Cafe of Life is a practice that believes in the innate potential of the body to heal. The practitioners assist us in this process as they remove any interference to the body focusing on spinal cord and brain. Brain and spinal cord act as the center for communication and coordination that harnesses universal energy in the body and acts as the channel for life force, prana, chi, life giving energy that flows from above, through the brain down the spinal cord and over the nerves to every cell in our body. At the Cafe belief is based on the philosophy that there is a greater whole of the individual and their life wanting to be expressed. They address the entire person not just parts. True health comes from the inside out. It is in accessing this inner energy and taping its potential that allows us to obtain true health, physical, mental and spiritually. This focus sets the Cafe apart from other practitioners and modalities. All chiropractic practices are not created equally. This one is truly different.
I remember the feeling I had when entering this space when I was just a client. Now, I am so very fortunate to be a part of this family and work there. I use the word "work" only in the coloquial sense because it is not work...it is joy. All of my life I have wished for an environment like this in which to find employment. The only place that as come close is the garden or barnyard...this is a dream come true. When ethical and loving beings offer their talents in a selfless way, truly caring about the health of individuals, it feels odd and alien. They are not driven by money or ego, they are driven by love and caring. It constantly amazes me and delights me. I watched one of them yesterday adjust a very small puppy (about five weeks) and felt tears burn in my eyes at the beauty of the process. Whether people, dogs, horses or cats they work with love and compassion in service to all who come to them. It is truly wonderful. This is a very special place.
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