Saturday, August 16, 2014

Love, Magic and Miracles

It has been a while since I have posted here.  I was a bit surprised.  I guess when the love, magic and miracles begin to happen in the yard, I am not near the computer.

Despite my late start, the cactus garden blossomed beautifully!  Every year without fail I get magic from this little spot.  The blossoms only last a day but they are gorgeous!

It seems like it has been a very short season.   I planted later because of strange weather and now I swear I can feel fall creeping around.
But, it has been a magical summer and no, I am not relinquishing it quite yet.  Tomatoes are red, chard and kale are fantastic.  Beans a beautiful and herbs are abundant.  Flowers delight all my senses...yes, they talk.

We recently had quite a bit of rainfall and the sunflowers had a growth spurt with several now over six feet.  I used the fence as a measure!  They are elegant and I can't wait until they flower so the little birds can enjoy.  They often look like an amusement park ride as the wind blows and the birds hang on and feed.

The Morning Glories always make me smile.  They are just such happy and beautiful flowers ever climbing toward the sky and they have heart shaped leaves.  Glorious!!

I am feeling overjoyed, full, grateful and very contented today as I pull weeds almost as big as the sunflowers after the rain!  Life is good and truly filled with love, magic and miracles.  I only have to go out into my back yard to realize this- if I ever forget. 

The dogs supply such unconditional love and laughter.  They are clowns and faithful.  They greet me each time I return home.  They don't care if my hair is a mess, my clothes old and dirty from the yard...but they would prefer that dinner be on time!

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