Friday, October 6, 2017


A friend recently posted an article about losing the adjectives.  She was of the opinion, as was the article that she no doubt read, that the fewer words the better.  I read the article, then I read it again.  I guess in some sense it made sense.  In a report, in a recipe, in scientific writing, ok, it makes sense.
However, I love words!  I love adjectives and adverbs...not just nourns and verbs.  Language is made up of those words I love.  Descriptors can make a story rich, delicious and make me drool...while plain words, simple and straight to the point, in reading for pleaseure may just fall a bit short for me.  Language has rhythm, color and can be inspiring and it is words that make that happen. For example, "The breeze nipped at the back of her neck and whipped up a fine sea spray that settled on her hands, leaving sparkling salt crystals as it dried. Fairy dust, she used to call it. She breated in the fresh air and absorbed the view: tangerine sky and dove gray sea, ripples on the surface of both, like dragon scales.  She savored the sharp tang of vinegar on her tongue, letting her thoughts wander as the sun slowly melted into the sea, turning it to liquid gold." Hazel Gaynor from The Cottingly Secret.

Well there you have it.  She could have simply said the fresh sea air surrounded her as the sun set. That would be simple and a very few words...but her expressions, her liquid language drew pictures for me, complete with fairy dust and technocolor.  I for one would have misssed that exquisite description of her surroundings.  It seems it is all very subjective.  Personal preference and there will always be critics to attack and correct those preferences.

Monday, October 2, 2017

A sad day

This morning the news told me there had been another shooting, a mass shooting, in Vegas.  It was deemed the "worst"... I was reeling with that news and wondered in sadness, was there a best?
I am still reeling.  My head and heart both hurt. I truly feel as if the world has gone mad, totally mad, and will soon spin right off its axis.  I send so much love to all those who are hurting.

Taking time to be introspective, to meditate, to ruminate, to pray and to read.  Estes came to mind first. Her thoughts, my thoughts...although my thoughts are mostly feelings today.

"This time is the Time for many things that it was not time for, before. Be wise. Be brave, stay strong." Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

I would add be caring, be kind, and focus on love. I truly believe that most humans are good. Some are not, clearly. I cringe when I read that the latest shooting is the "worst"...there was a best?
Humankind is hurting right now in so many ways. Can we not put aside agendas, politics, platforms and simply come together in love? Just put it all aside for a little while and find that love that is in our hearts? Yes, change is needed and must come, but just for today...? Let's not use this tragedy for anything and simply be in a loving, caring place...just for today.

Sending so much love and light to all who are in pain, and all who are suffering. There are so many.

Then stumbled on writing by Chopra:

“The only way to create peace in the world is through a shift in consciousness; to become a peacemaker yourself. Anyone can become a peacemaker. All you need to do is to go within yourself and dedicate yourself to peace in thoughts, speech, action and your relationship with others. This online course is a seven-day journey to help you embody the changes you wish to see in the world…Imagine the powerful shift that could occur in this world if you and the rest of the world made a conscious commitment to practice peace, to become a peacemaker of the world. I believe that if a hundred million people underwent a personal transformation in the direction of peace, harmony, laughter, love, kindness, joy and equanimity, the world would be transformed. This is based on simple and scientific ideas…” Deepak Chopra

In other words, it really is personal. We, each and every one of us, must be that change we wish to see in the world.

Working on my own stuff to be that change daily.  Not always easy, but always necessary.