Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Gift of a Day!

It is a sunny Sunday and I have the entire day to myself. The week was very busy and flew by! This day is the best gift I could have. I know I will never get "the list" completed, but I plan on doing some things and savoring each moment. I realize how much I am craving time alone here at home to just putter, clean the yard up after a severe winter; clean the sheep pen; clean the house! Then there are the projects; the painting started but not worked on in ages; dolls; music - I keep telling myself I will practice the harp and piano but haven't even tuned the harp in months. Then there is the writing! Retirement is really quite an insidious myth. Not that I would "retire" but I would so love to have days in a row where I could feel complete and creative here, at home. Do the straightening, the playing, the writing... Instead (while I am deeply grateful for the job) I run and attempts to simplify have paid off yet there are "miles to go before I sleep."
Despite my time "warp" I woke counting my blessings and the list was long. Grateful for so much this morning and savoring each movement in this beautiful day.

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